============ DISview [518] !DISVIEW.TXT ============ ========================== WELCOME TO "DISview" [518] ========================== by Ian Wade May 1995 This is the first public release of the "DISview" reference documentation package for the KA9Q Network Operating System, (NET), as supplied by Demon Internet Ltd, the UK's number one dial-up Internet Service Provider. "DISview" is a complete reference work that describes all of the KA9Q NET commands to be found in Demon's DIS216C.EXE release. "DISview" contains around 90 files, including: ## a handy one-stop "Command Set Reference Guide", containing full command syntax and default parameter values for every NET command. ## a separate documentation file for each NET command, describing the functions of the command and its parameters, together with at least one example of how to use it. ## documentation describing how to set up some of the less well-known facilities of NET (such as the built-in DNS name server, dial-up scripts and IP address filtering for firewalls). ## detailed documentation on setting up the mail alias files, the mailkill file and the ftpusers file (a source of much confusion to beginners). ## a "NOSintro-to-Demon Conversion Guide", covering the differences between the packet radio implementations of KA9Q (as described in "NOSintro") and Demon's implementation. ("NOSintro" is a fully illustrated 356-page book for beginners, explaining in detail how to configure and run KA9Q -- available from Demon). ## miscellaneous reference documentation -- for example, the ASCII character set, Demon's telephone numbers, list of Demon FAQs, the NET directory tree. ## a copy of Clockwork "VIEW", a public domain file viewer. "VIEW" is a TSR that lets you read the "DISview" text files, giving instant help whilst on-line to Demon. Much effort has gone into ensuring consistency throughout "DISview". Terms like "nodename", "hostname", "domain name", "interface", "IO address" and "vector" are explicitly defined and used consistently, as are forward slashes and backslashes. These measures hopefully eliminate much of the confusion that exists in some other documentation. All "DISview" documentation files are in plain ASCII, and may be printed directly by DOS without any formatting. ----------------------- Where to find "DISview" ----------------------- "DISview" is obtainable by FTP from Demon's FTP server (ftp.demon.co.uk), in directory /pub/disview. Look for the files disview.txt and disvw518.zip. ------------------------ How to install "DISview" ------------------------ To install "DISview", first create a new subdirectory for it. As a suggestion, if the Demon root directory is C:\DEMON, then create C:\DEMON\DISVIEW. "DISview" requires less than 1MB of disk. Now download disvw518.zip into this directory and unzip it. Finally, read the unzipped file !!readme.1st to find out how to complete the installation.